Chiron & Uranus Ingresses ~ 26 Feb 2019

It seems that astronomical discoveries have calmed in reporting of late, affording an opportunity to examine more traditional astrology once again. Conveniently, Chiron recently migrated into a new sign and Uranus follows suit soon... this is an interesting transit sequence.

Chiron entered Aries on 18 February. He will remain in Aries into June 2026 and have a retrograde return to Aries between September 2026 and April 2027.

Uranus takes on Taurus on 6 March. There he travels until July 2025, then with a retrograde stint in November 2025 that lasts well into April 2026.

Consider that Chiron’s orbit of slightly more than 50 years is very elliptical. Given that Uranus’ orbit is substantially less eccentric than that of Chiron and the relative relationships of their orbits, the Chiron in Aries transits months longer than Uranus transits Taurus, despite his 84-year orbit that places him in a sign for the length of one of those fabled seven-year itches.

Given Chiron is a healer who ranges between Saturn and Uranus, his transit determines a collective signature of physical, psychological and psychic issues derived from family origins, past life accumulations (for those of you who fancy such things) and desires for making a dent in the collective. Mythologically, Chiron is the son of Saturn and the grandson of Uranus. Astronomically, Chiron currently squares the axis of the perihelion/aphelion of Saturn.

Presently a psychological modality of shedding the psychically perceived chains of family of origin restrictions is in play. It’s like when Chiron took the place of Prometheus in the underworld there was no defining time line for the condition of Chiron’s redemption station prior the award of his place in the heavens. Chiron suggests that when it’s time to shed beliefs that impede or impair, shed such beliefs. When enough is enough, step outside the belief that the cause of life’s woes originate in the development of one’s formative, early life psychology.

Given Chiron’s square to where Saturn comes closest to the Sun to bask in the maximum of solar warmth and energy, he absolutely suggests that it’s time to shed light upon and discard confining life stories.

Chiron transits Aries after all. He is done with the emotional amplification of Pisces; project regarding the emotional position of others; the feeling that the mission of others is to upset one’s creative and spiritual pursuits; feelings of paranoia, assumption and victimization. Chiron’s Aries attitude is “Here I am, dammit. Like it, lump it, or leave it.” The widely quoted metaphysical axiom, “Your opinion of me is none of my business,” applies here.

Presently Chiron transits opposite the powerful, soul-connecting super massive black hole core that gravitationally guides thirty plus galaxies of which ours is one - the Super-Galactic Center. This Libra-residing spiritual stronghold combines with the Libra North Node (a wide conjunction) and Libra perihelion of Chiron to reveal it is all about the most important and singular relationship right now. However, it’s just not about external relationships. It’s about the primary internal relationships. It’s soul mate time. Mate with your soul. Fuse psyche with spirit. Merge your ego with consciousness. See, accept, embrace and forgive yourself.

With all aspects of the soul retrieved and polished up, put yourself out there with confidence and without apology, with the realization that everyone encountered is subject to you, and conversely you are subject to everyone else. Like the Super-Galactic Center suggests, this is an interactive cluster of galaxies possessing a common core... yielding the need to organically gravitate to those with similar creative concerns and spiritual aspirations.

Show up, be present and be clear regarding your goals and aspirations. Ask clearly, confidently and succinctly for the participation you desire from others. Be cool however others respond to your needs and declarations releasing expectation of fulfillment from others. Stay strong and focused within yourself. It’s not about imposing will... it’s about soulful interactions between spirits in bodies with shared, dovetailing agendas.

Now, every time Uranus changes signs, astrologers predict a major revolution/evolution in the sign Uranus enters. Largely, these predictions overstate expectations of the reality of changes that result. Why? In order for changes to occur, consciousness must shift sufficiently such that new perspectives permit progressive agendas to integrate within the existing structures and stricture of life’s demands and mundane reality. Believe it or not, Uranus is a “change from within to without” guy. When abrupt Uranian changes are forced over viable systems, demanding immediate integration, an unprecedented instability results.

Uranus takes seven years to transit one sign. Saturn takes seven years to transit three signs. Long enduring change requires planning, integration, funding, ample time to complete objectives safely and securely, the receptivity of those working to install change to its evolution, and a campaign to enlighten all those impacted as to why this change is good for what ails you... and the planet.

Here in the United States the 2020 presidential election ramps up. Who will win the primaries and who will win the elections? Simple: It will be the person who renders the most solid economic platform. Come October, transits suggest hints of the economic climate in 2020 for the “October surprise” immediately before next year’s election. October stands out as a critical time to read the signs, so tune into Mars opposite Chiron early in the month followed by the Ceres-Jupiter conjunction later in the month. Both these transits formulate significant outcomes that will likely be pinned on the new sign transits of Chiron and Uranus.

Consider that the 2016 presidential campaign wrapped around a conjunction between Uranus and Eris. As a curious aside, Eris does signify online and Internet tampering and theft. Anyway, Don and Bernie did their best to whip collective consciousness into a rebellious, revolution-oriented mindset. Depending upon your opinion of how that worked out, consider also that in the first twelve months of Uranus’ time in the sign of Taurus, Saturn and Pluto align in Capricorn.

From my read of this, as we transition from 2019 into 2020, the Plutocrats make more hay. The rich get richer. The poor get poorer. In December of 2019 Jupiter in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus. This is economic benefit indeed, and given the Capricorn trends, benefitting those who possess the power and big buck. However, this renders the first questioning of the motives of agendas and policies in place, and begs the Uranian question, “Is this good for all and the good of Planet Earth?” Given Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn each have their time to square Eris - the signature of those excluded, left behind, ignored or disqualified as valid, there is the promise of substantial economic reform... the kind that comes from a radical change in the ruling structure. That’s not so much a Uranus thing, though it supports the theme of Uranus in Taurus.

So what is an individual Uranus in Taurus thing? How can anyone choosing to do so, make better of this next seven-year swing?

Shift your consciousness to accept with resoluteness and undeniability, each and every personal asset and attribute possessed. From kindness, to concert piano capabilities, to technological genius to humanistic motivations to writing an Oscar-winning screenplay, perceive, integrate and honor each inner attribute possessed at birth or cultivated since incarnation. Such conscious attention and integration create intangible wealth and define resources that can never be taken away. Since we perceive Uranus to be a cosmic energy grinder, define the energetic resources, then manifest them in physical reality... using an energetic daily grind.

Presently Venus moves off a conjunction with Pluto and skips out of Capricorn a week before Uranus enters Taurus. During this next month, Mars in Taurus works his way to trine Saturn and Pluto. By all astrological indicators there is no better time than to get rich within your being. Add unconditional self acceptance and realization to Chiron in the early degrees of Aries and you’ve got this nailed.

More soon.